Don't underestimate ignorance of nutrition/fat details in scientists. Like Speakman conflating things about fatty acids in your recent podcast.

Even Lamming, one of the BCAA mouse scientists I admire most, was like "Wait lard has linoleic acid?" when I commented that ALL his mice were PUFA'd, and that BCAA's effects might be in the context of LA only. And like your one guest mentioned once, scientists usually have no clue what's in their control chow either.

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Insulin also controls LPL and HSL thus a regulatory input of the assembly and disassembly of FFA thus controlling FFA. Is this regulation more important than regulating glucose? Which has priority?

Insulin sensitivity is defined via glucose - but regulating FFA might dominate the nested control loops.

T2D appears to be permanent damage - I'm still not sure which tissue is damaged - My hunch is the liver - but could be pancreas, muscle, adipose. Transplant data in humans doesn't clear this up.

Sometimes I think the studies are designed to NOT provide definitive answers. They used to do chemically defined synthetic diets where you could truly have a single variable.

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