I will watch this when I have a quiet space. It seems very important. One of the things that popped into mind yesterday was foetal development. Mothers using seed oils must be passing some on to the developing child, I don't know the details of how nutrients get passed to the foetus (what the placenta rejects) but if seed oil lipids can get used in cells of those who consume them our bodies must see them as OK. So new little humans are already set up for ill health at birth, which would fit with increasing rates of obesity of infants and older children. This is a crime.

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Of possible interest is a new AI model of mitochondrial reactions that was built to predict what molecules would be toxic to the mitochondria as detailed in

Zhang R, Chen Z, Wang B, Li Y, Mu Y, Li X. Modeling and Insights into the Structural Characteristics of Chemical Mitochondrial Toxicity. ACS Omega. 2023 Aug 23;8(35):31675-31682. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.3c01725. PMID: 37692239; PMCID: PMC10483523.

Model is on OCHEM, where you have to create an account or log in as a guest. The model name is Consensus Mitochondrial Toxicity, published by qingshuang0501

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