The usual suspects have a found a 'new' paper to defend the consumption of seed oils—the Scone Study.
I would respectfully suggest that this "experiment" be repeated by others. Of course P values have a distribution and could vary wildly.
It needs only an N=1 case to disprove a hypothesis.
"It took four years, but my liver enzymes finally normalized on a diet high in butter, which is where I remain today".
Conclusion: "So yes, I find this paper a bit hard to take seriously. I’ll keep eating butter".
I would respectfully suggest that this "experiment" be repeated by others. Of course P values have a distribution and could vary wildly.
It needs only an N=1 case to disprove a hypothesis.
"It took four years, but my liver enzymes finally normalized on a diet high in butter, which is where I remain today".
Conclusion: "So yes, I find this paper a bit hard to take seriously. I’ll keep eating butter".