Saw this title and immediately thought of Nutrition & Physical Degeneration - which I happen to be re-reading now. First time was c. 8 years ago shortly after adopting keto. Read it with different eyes this time. Profound work. While he doesn't dwell on it, the term 'vegetable oil' as a staple of the 'modernized diet' does show up a few times. Profound work.

I've heard you mention a # of times how SG's work led you to PUFA-avoidance. Look forward to reading this series.

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Ok, enjoyed it. Curious, though, little (no?) mention of the n-6 fats. Expected to find it here. . .

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He did write some others. I remember them as discussing mostly n-3:n-6 as there was more known to talk about, but also him saying that absolute amount of n-6 might well hurt too. It got me to start paying more attention to vegetable oils.

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Those were the days. Between Guyenet and Masterjohn, there was crazy stuff along these lines to take in.

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This Guyenet guy sounds swell! Wonder what he's up to now?

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