Good lord I'm shocked at myself for not even thinking to search for studies on this. I have already proven to my own satisfaction how well this works, but my cynicism about medical research prevented me from supposing that even a single published paper existed supporting it.

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Topical carnosine?

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I look forward to the longer post.

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Looking forward to the long post. The PUFA-sunburn discussions + other talk about nitric oxide/vitamin D/reduced cancer benefits of sunlight have made me decide to forgo my normal cocoon of sunscreen and long sleeves for the first time in my adult life this summer... and I'm amazed at how painlessly and effortlessly I've been able to tan. Your posts were part of what helped me build up the bravery to try it out, so thanks.

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Switched to carnivore awhile ago, part way through eliminated pork. Chicken reduced. Beef primarily. Been outside quite a bit this summer, only one cloudless 9-10 hr day felt like it approached a burn, but didn't feel it the next day. Definitely way better than before, where I avoided the beach, and have burnt in a few hrs.

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