I remember this post from your old blog. Around the same time I read https://hopefulgeranium.blogspot.com/2019/01/dont-drink-oil-and-fry-in-sun-link.html

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I am an extremely fair skinned freckly person who burns very easily. I eliminated all bad omega 6 type oils about 9 years ago when I also started taking 100ug vit D + 100ug vit K2 but I have not noticed any increased ability to tolerate the sun. I also went paleo at the time and am low carb, sometimes ketogenic. I had a BCC removed about 7 years ago and am suspicious I have more developing. I follow Dr Dale Bredesen’s advice re dementia prevention so am ‘living clean’! I managed to sunburn the backs of my hands just this week in maximum 18’C !

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> * P.S. 7/19/2021 Stephan long ago deleted the post, for reasons I don't know.

A mystery wrapped in an enigma hidden inside a conundrum. I really wish we knew lol.

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You will get burned if you use sunglasses; MSH is produced in the brain while you cut it’s input signal through the eyes

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I have never heard this before but it makes sense. Interesting.

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