Yes, in the early 1980s as a middle aged man at risk of heart problems a GP recommended replacing any saturated fats with polyunsaturated oils, which I did for some years including using that margarine with plant sterols ‘proven to reduce cholesterol’. Then I read the label and starting researching what was going on. I assumed this was a one off mistake at the time, now I know this lack of proper understanding is pervasive.

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My brain hurts. I feel like a conspiracy theorist all the time these days with available information on the internet, but your references are persuasive, Tucker. (Have been for about 10 years) Besides, why do we want to eat something requiring a factory full of hydraulic presses, hexane solvents, and nickel catalysts to produce a product that is even tolerable to eat??!! I’ll take my meat and dairy fat all day, everyday. Thank you!!

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