Interesting. And depressing. I appreciate having the context and insight. Thanks to both of you for that.

My gut reaction is this. Maybe "WE" cannot replace seed oils with beef tallow, but "I" can. Simply put, I don't think some individual or group of individuals sat around and said, "let's replace all regen oils with canola!" It happened over time, with government incentives and all the trappings. As such, retracing those steps will also take time and (for the love of all that's holy) cannot be based upon more government, or even mass actions or organized group behavior.

But again, I can do it on my "local" level and reap the benefits. And others can be taught to do the same thing. Inch by inch...

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You're right, "we" don't need a majority we just need an alternative. It's fine if others want to believe this is just a kooky conspiracy theory, let them continue eating what they want. The problem is that a lot of people are never happy unless they force their preference on everyone so while I don't begrudge them their soybean oil they definitely begrudge me my butter and beef. Force never works well for long, leading by example seems to be better.

They somehow rig the carbon math to make beef look worse than seed oils and then force reductions in cattle herds - even on land where nothing much can be grown although some of the oil plants are fairly resilient to cold weather (hence all the unsaturated fat).

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Can't help to think that this is the major reason why there seems to be a political drive behind seed oils.

Here in Sweden where I live I was very happy when a high-quality fast burger franchise started to fry both the fries and burgers in tallow. They grew quite quickly, and unfortunately they could not procure enough tallow so they switched to sunflower oil :-(

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I'm wondering if all that seed oil production is for human consumption and how much of it is used for making biofuels. Last time I read something of around 7% of acreage being used to make fuels so that's not a lot of a difference. Another idea would be to take another look at hydrogenation of seed oils to at least get rid of the LA... And you also might not need to change your frier oil that often if you use tallow, although most restaurants don't do that anyways so that probably doesn't save much ;)

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This is one possible argument for a smaller global population. We can't feed the people we have with more-or-less healthy food.

Please don't flame me, I'm not advocating mass reduction of population. And of course there are many other arguments, including economic ones, against smaller population.

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Interesting. As I see it, we need to get over carb phobia. A traditional diet of carb plus traditional fats is adequate and sustainable.

Coconut oil production can be ramped up.

In India, a lot of fast food uses palm oil.

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Lots of blocked drains

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I'm curious how tallow + butter/ghee + coconut oils would scale if people went low(er) fat overall.

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